“My Kōlea is Back!”

September 25, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Lyman Museum
276 Haili St
Hilo, HI 96720

Kolea52Evening presentation:

Hawai‘i is seasonally home to a population of kōlea, Pacific Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis fulva), beautiful and beloved migratory shorebirds that nest and raise their chicks in Alaska but spend winters in our fair Islands … and who can blame them?  Research indicates that these birds make the 4,800-km nonstop flight between Alaska and Hawai‘i in a mere three to four days!  And is there anyone among us who does not feel a loss when they depart and rejoice when they return?  Also back by popular demand, Hawai‘i’s esteemed naturalist Susan Scott discusses and illustrates these loveliest of frequent fliers.  The species is the subject of her 2016 book (coauthored with plover expert Oscar W. Johnson), Hawai‘i’s Kōlea: The Amazing Transpacific Life of the Pacific Golden-Plover.  Copies of this beautifully illustrated and informative book will be available in the Museum Shop, and Susan will be happy to inscribe them.  Attend this presentation and book signing either in the afternoon or evening of September 25, and indulge your love for this most faithful—and treasured—of our annual visitors!

Free to Lyman Museum members; $3 nonmembers. 

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for evening public programs.  Limited seating; first come, first seated.  Additional parking next door at Hilo Union School ON MONDAY EVENING ONLY