Return to the Wild: An Update on ‘Alalā Reintroduction Efforts

May 7, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Lyman Museum
276 Haili St
Hilo, HI 96720

20171211_RO (2)Evening presentation:

You usually hear them before you see them.  There’s no mistaking the loud and often synchronized cacophony of caws from the eleven ‘alalā released into a Hawai‘i Island Natural Area Reserve Area last fall.  These precious birds (seven young males and four young females) represent what conservationists hope is the genesis of a recovered population on our island of this critically endangered Hawaiian crow. 

On Monday evening or Tuesday afternoon, join Rachel Kingsley (Education and Outreach Associate for the ‘Alalā Project) for the latest update on the reintroduction efforts, how predator aversion training and release location influenced the 2017 release, an up-to-the-minute status report on the released birds, and the plans for future reintroductions!

Admission to these wonderful programs is free to Museum members, and $3.00 for nonmembers.  Please support the Museum by becoming a member, and enjoy all Saigo Series programs, all year round, at no charge!  Seating is limited; first come, first seated.  ON MONDAY EVENINGS ONLY, additional parking is available next door at Hilo Union School, Kapiolani St. entrance; park, then walk through our green gate in the rock wall

On Monday evenings, doors open at 6:30PM.  E komo mai!