276 Haili St. Hilo
HI 96720

Daniel Dig, the last canoe builder on Ulithi Atoll, working on a one-man fishing canoe. May 2003, Fedraey Island, Ulithi Atoll, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Photo by RDK Herman, Pacific Worlds Institute
Matinée Presentation:
A thousand years ago (and more), people living on small islands in the Pacific Ocean were able to build large voyaging canoes that could travel more than 2,000 miles and back, between and among remote islands. This beautifully illustrated presentation explores the art and engineering involved in creating a large, traditional ocean-going canoe, from the making of stone tools to the plaiting of the sails and the lashing and gluing of the parts. Dr. Doug Herman, Executive Director of the Pacific Worlds Institute in Hilo, demonstrates the ingenuity of Pacific islanders—living on volcanic and coral islands with no usable metals—in determining the best materials and methods at hand to create these amazing vessels on which their lives would often depend. Enjoy his show-and-tell on your choice of two occasions: Monday evening, November 13, or the following afternoon, November 14.
Admission to these wonderful programs is free to Museum members, and $3.00 for nonmembers. Please support the Museum by becoming a member, and enjoy all Saigo Series programs, all year round, at no charge!
Seating is limited; first come, first seated.
ON MONDAY EVENINGS ONLY, additional parking is available next door at Hilo Union School,
Kapiolani Street entrance; park, then walk through our green gate in the rock wall.
On Monday evenings, doors open at 6:30PM. E komo mai!
Lyman Museum ~ 276 Haili St ~ Hilo, Hawai‘i ~ (808) 935-5021 www.lymanmuseum.org ~ www.facebook.com/lymanmuseum The nationally accredited and Smithsonian-affiliated Lyman Museum showcases the natural and cultural history of Hawai‘i to tell the story of its islands and its people.